Sunday, February 8, 2009

You know what sucks??

I'M SO MAD!!!! M-A-D!!!! And I bet you want to know why. Well.... THERE IS NO SOCCER IN THE SPRING FOR 7-9TH GRADERS!!!! ISN'T THAT TERRIBLE!!!??? *sigh*... I'm sorry. It's just that this is really, really dumb. And it's just for 7-9th graders!! Every other grade can play in the spring!! *sigh*... What is this world coming to??!! It's just so horrible..... terrible.... It's just so horribly terrible!!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, myranda. i am so sorry about the no soccer thing. it really is silly. call provo rec and complain. but hey...i love your playlist. victori and i rock out to it all the time.

Myranda said...

I know i should complain... I'm glad you like my playlist! Thanks!